North American Extravaganza Report!

The Whole Theme Team… Including Dallas Thom of Idaho!

The Whole Theme Team… Including Dallas Thom of Idaho!

At the end of October, a group of us met in San Diego for a week of waiting on the Lord, and brainstorming for the North American theme for 2016. It was an amazing time! I'm so grateful for everyone who participated and for all those who prayed with us. The process this time had a couple of challenges, but we overcame them and I believe we have an awesome, God-inspired theme for the students who will participate with us next year! 

Stay tuned for more info, because we will announce the theme and release a theme statement soon! 

MA Europe Theme Team Was Utrolig!

Euro-Theme Team Gets Funky in Oslo

Euro-Theme Team Gets Funky in Oslo

We have just ended our Theme Team event where we waited on the Lord for a theme for European students for next summer. We had a great time in Oslo, the capital of Norway. There were twelve people from Russia, Norway, Romania and Switzerland. We had four intense days of prayer and talking about European teenagers with all their challenges and strengths. And through these days we landed the theme and we are super excited about it. We will announce it soon—stay tuned!

Unbound Playlists

Music can change the atmosphere … and it can also kill it. 

As we were gathered for the Theme Team Extravaganza and came to the conclusion of ‘Unbound’ we felt it was important not only to supply everyone with a catching phrase and t-shirt, but to help them make the theme come alive in every aspect of program. A lot of us already do this for our own programs, but one of the main points of being apart of the network is to be there for each other; help each other out, share resources and be in community.

God spoke very clearly and loudly that we are to address three areas; Identity, Idolatry and Bravery. We have spent time searching through days of music looking for songs that focus on these areas. Below is the outcome of that time for your use :) Enjoy!

You can dowloand the pdf here