Exhale Inhale Theme in Development

Hand drawn is where it's at!

Hand drawn is where it's at!

Jamie of YWAM Ensenada is in the Mission Adventures Studio this weekend. She's hard at work developing some amazing hand-drawn lettering concepts for our next theme. We are keeping the design real by doing as much work as possible with pen and paper before bringing it into the digital realm. As you can see,this is really coming together. You and your students are going to love this stuff! 

Announcing the 2016 Theme for North America!

Along with this year's Theme Team™ members, I'm pleased to announce the 2016 Mission Adventures theme for North America: 

E X H A L E  |  I N H A L E
Back to Life

I'd like to thank Dallas; Dan & Carolyn, Ronnie & Jamie, Corrine, Adam, Kay Charlotte, Heiko and Anna for all their hard work in developing this theme. Special thanks to Maureen and David for hosting us! And of course, a huge thank you goes to Kay Charlotte for keeping us well fed and happy! 

You can read the official Theme Statement under the Themes tab or just click here: Exhale Inhale Theme. Keep your eyes peeled for more info!

North American Extravaganza Report!

The Whole Theme Team… Including Dallas Thom of Idaho!

The Whole Theme Team… Including Dallas Thom of Idaho!

At the end of October, a group of us met in San Diego for a week of waiting on the Lord, and brainstorming for the North American theme for 2016. It was an amazing time! I'm so grateful for everyone who participated and for all those who prayed with us. The process this time had a couple of challenges, but we overcame them and I believe we have an awesome, God-inspired theme for the students who will participate with us next year! 

Stay tuned for more info, because we will announce the theme and release a theme statement soon! 

MA Europe Theme Team Was Utrolig!

Euro-Theme Team Gets Funky in Oslo

Euro-Theme Team Gets Funky in Oslo

We have just ended our Theme Team event where we waited on the Lord for a theme for European students for next summer. We had a great time in Oslo, the capital of Norway. There were twelve people from Russia, Norway, Romania and Switzerland. We had four intense days of prayer and talking about European teenagers with all their challenges and strengths. And through these days we landed the theme and we are super excited about it. We will announce it soon—stay tuned!