The International MA Circle Meets Next Week

The UN meets here… but we're going to meet in Rosarito.  Photo: Jay Reed via Flickr

The UN meets here… but we're going to meet in Rosarito.  Photo: Jay Reed via Flickr

Please Join Us in Prayer!

Next week, a small group of MA leaders and their families will gather in Rosarito, Mexico to pray for MA around the world. This circle of elders will hear reports from MA ministries, and will lift all of us up in prayer. As always, when we gather together, we are leaning into the Lord for his word. Please join with us in prayer next week, and stay tuned for reports from our time together. (Wifi permitting, it may be sketchy in the place we are staying… ;))

Here's how you can pray:

  • For easy, safe, on-time travel to our meeting place
  • For a greater understanding and impartation of what it means to be an elder
  • For God's own vision for our future as a movement within the mission

Please join us in prayer from where you are. A list of prayer points will be emailed on Monday the 15th—(sign up at the bottom of this page if you haven't already!). And when you pray, ask God for words, impressions, pictures and visions. Whatever he shares with you, please feel free to post in a comment below!

Thanks so much, stay tuned!

Exhale Inhale Art Available in the MA Gear Store

Ouuuuu, lookie! All the arts for the Exhale Inhale Theme!

Ouuuuu, lookie! All the arts for the Exhale Inhale Theme!

We've put together an amazing downloadable package of the Exhale Inhale theme art that you can use to enhance your program! The pack includes the art from the tee shirts, the stickers, and even the cool MA interlock logo that's on the label from the backpack. In addition, we've whipped up some HD screens that are perfect for using in presentations/teaching times/worship times.

Literally hundreds of hours have gone into producing the art for the theme, and we're pleased to offer it to you on the MA Gear store.

  • 7 High Resolution JPEG files
  • 7 PNG files with transparent backgrounds
  • 13 HD Screens perfect for presentations
  • MA Logo in JPG, PNG, and EPS formats

For a limited time, you can save 75% with coupon code:


Please Note: This art is governed by a license agreement that does not allow you to make a for sale product, (ie tee shirts, mugs, hats, etc.) If you'd like to license the art to produce your own Exhale Inhale merch, please contact us for more information.

To Buy or Not to Buy??

Editor's Note: Recently our family had the privilege of hosting Beth Konrath in our home. Beth led MA in Las Vegas several years ago, and during her service there, she was very active on the Theme Team. While she was here, we got to talking about this year's Gear, and as I previewed the stuff for her, she said, "Oh my gosh, I love this stuff! I want to tell everyone to buy this for their students!" I said, "Why don't you write something up for the Insider?" So, here are Beth's thoughts on the MA Gear:
Beth sports her Trek "Do Justice" tee during a neighborhood cleanup in Las Vegas

Beth sports her Trek "Do Justice" tee during a neighborhood cleanup in Las Vegas

It's that time of that year; MA Gear ordering!! Wahoo! The gnomes in San Diego have been working hard over the past few months to get everything ready for the next MA season. Back when I led Mission Adventures in Las Vegas, I was always excited to see what the new design was for the year and I couldn't wait for the students to get them!

I love what the Gear adds to our MA programs and I'm sad when students don't get a part of the awesomeness that is available to us when we don't order! So here's a list of why I think you should order MA Gear for your teams this year (and next year too!)

1. They're Awesome!

Not much explanation needed here ... dozens of people have put endless hours into this years theme and design. The t-shirts are super cool and stylish and it's not a YWAM function if lanyards/name tags aren't involved!!

2. They Unify Us

Many of our teams are returning teams; whether that's to the same base, or another one. It shows that we as YWAM are a group of people working together for the purpose of training up young missionaries.

3. They're Evangelism Tools

Students will wear their new backpacks and t-shirts to school and they will start conversations. Friends will ask them what it means or where they got it, and it's a great opportunity for them to share about their mission trip and Christ with people.

4. They Hold Memories

Whenever I look at my pile t shirts from past MA themes, I'm reminded of the memories of that season - the people we shared with, how God brought transformation in my life and those around me. It encourages me to keep true to the things that God spoke to me during those weeks.

5. They're a Continuation of Our MA Weeks

With our MA teams, we aren't looking for them to have just an 'experience' or a 'fun time', it's about transformation and change. The journal is such a great way to encourage students to continue on and go deeper with their walks with God. It's an effective tool for their personal quiet times and will encourage them!

Thera are so many more reasons!! So if you're on the fence on whether to order or not, you really should. This is a tool that is available to you that needs to be used. Maybe you think you can do it cheaper or could go with out, but I have always seen the MA Gear as a priority and important tool for our students!! Can we really afford to not use this resource? It's so much more than a pen, sticker or a t-shirt!!

Beth and Friend… Beth is the one in the Trek "Love Mercy" tee… ;)

Beth and Friend… Beth is the one in the Trek "Love Mercy" tee… ;)

Okay so go put your order in and get excited to receive your packages shortly!!
