Questions Youth Pastors Should Ask You About Your Outreaches

Marty Meyer came across a great article and wanted to share it with us. Marty writes:

Hey Mission Adventure Leaders,

I came across an article today that I believe can speak to us: "5 Key Questions to Consider Before Your Next Mission Trip”. It is written to youth leaders to encourage them to think a little deeper as to the “why” they want to take their students on a summer outreach. I found myself doing a mental check list as I read the article, …is my Mission Adventures program addressing these 5 questions? By answering each of these questions, we are actually building a platform to communicate with youth leaders about WHY they should attend our Mission Adventures programs.

One of the questions that David Boerema asks in this article is: “How will this experience train [my students] to be a gospel influence in their spheres of influence?” Frankly, I’m excited to hear people in church leadership asking this question and even more excited to provide the answer. By knowing the questions that they are asking, we can provide the answer in advance as we seek to recruit teams and make a lasting impact. I encourage you to take some time to find your own answers to these five key questions.

I encourage you to click the link and read the article. Answer the questions, and ask yourself, “How can I make my ministry more effective? Thanks to Marty for sharing this with us!