Not One, Not Two, but THREE Themes for 2019!

You guys! I’m super excite to share with you that we have three different themes for Mission Adventures in 2019! Okay, you may not have noticed, but we’ve been having two themes for a while now. Our partners in Europe and our partners in North America have been developing separate themes for the last several years. And this year, I’m excited to tell you that we’ve got a third region making their own theme! So say a big hello and welcome to our partners in Brasil! Check these out:


Isaias 55 1 a 6

Our Brasilian brothers and sisters have called their first theme, Paradoxo, (paradox, in English), and they are excited to illustrate how God brings hope through crazy ideas that don’t seem to make sense at first. Check out the Paradoxo page for more info including a super awesome theme statement!


Ephesians 2:8-10

Our European friends are playing off the craftsmanship concept in Ephesians 2 and using the amazing Japanese artform of Kintsukuroi to help students visualize how God is repairing their lives and the world around them. Check out the Kintsukuroi page for more!

I Am

Isaiah 43:10

Our North American partners are using God’s identity as the big idea that is changing the world. Who we are can only be truly understood through who He Is, and it’s this journey of discovery that makes all the difference. Check out the I Am page for more, including a theme statement.

I just love that God is so creative and inventive that he’s given us three themes for 2019. I love that we get to use these themes to help students experience who he is, what he’s like, and what he is doing in the world. As more resources are developed, we’ll make them available on the theme pages… so stay tuned for even more theme-y goodness!